Lowes Foods is a Carolina based grocery chain that offers a uniquely crafted local shopping experience.
Direct Mailers
Every direct mailer aligned with a distinct campaign, featuring a meticulously selected array of products to inspire meal creations. The covers served to introduce both the theme and the featured foods, while the spreads were strategically crafted to highlight and promote seasonally available products.
Art Direction
I provided visual direction during photoshoots to capture content for seasonal campaigns. Each campaign required:
concepting of multiple approaches
photo plan presentations
capture of still shots & video
creative direction for processing of high-resolution imagery
Below are a selection of the photographs and compositions that I art directed on set for.
Social Animations
I created a host of engaging social media videos based on trending food content for both Instagram (vertical) and Facebook (horizontal) platforms.
The creation of each video involved:
Creating & importing lockups & graphics
Arranging stills & video into compositions
Animating callouts and other graphic elements
Exporting at optimal settings for IG & FB
Weekly Ads
Lowes Foods' weekly ads serve as a robust platform for delivering compelling meal inspiration stories to its customers. Focused on private brand products and vendor partnerships, each story artfully blends photography composites to craft authentic dining visuals.